If you care a lot about cleaning up after your kids, you might have made a no-eating-in-the-living-room or bedroom rule. Your dining room will likely be carpeted as long as your home isn’t created out of tiles. Stains are bound to happen there.


Some foods may be better not to bring to a meal or be more careful when eating them. You can’t stop yourself from eating. Even if you don’t think it’s a good idea to change your diet to keep your carpet clean, think about how the following foods can stain your floors.


Peanut Butter


You only use peanut butter on sandwiches and apple slices most of the time, but food can still fall. As long as you pick up most of the bread and apple slices, there will be crumbs. On the other hand, the peanut butter will leave a brown stain even after you pick up most of it.


Peanut butter is often made with oils, making it hard to get out. It might be hard to get these stains out with dishwashing liquid and hot water if the food has had a little time to dry.




Cocoa is another food that will leave an unpleasant brown stain on your floor, no matter how long you think the cocoa has been in the fridge. It doesn’t matter if you keep candy bars and chocolate treats in the kitchen because someone who doesn’t know the rules could take them outside and drop them on the floor, soaking your carpet with chocolate and candy.


Hot water can also make a chocolate stain last for a long time, so you might try to clean it with it. When you clean up a chocolate stain, always use cold water. It might take chemicals to get rid of all of it, though, so it might be hard to get out.




Even the most miniature foods can be bad for you. Berries are full of juice, making your carpets look clear and quickly dyed. Fruit juice, too, is something you should try to keep away from your carpets if you can. If you mix dishwashing liquid and white vinegar, you can often get rid of berry stains. The stains usually stay even after you wash them a lot, even if you use a lot of vinegar.


Food for babies


If you have a baby, you will get stains from baby food. Unless your baby is incredibly well-behaved, that is. When baby food is spilled and dries on the carpet, it can be hard to get the stain out. Grinding, washing the area for hours, and even rubbing alcohol are all ways to get rid of a baby food stain. You might not be able to keep baby food from getting on your carpet, but you still want to try to keep the mess as small as possible.




We all know that gum is bad for our teeth. It is a gooey and sticky thing that sticks to itself even if you pick it up right away. Because gum stays in your mouth, you’d think you could chew it in the living room. But if you’ve ever underrated when mishandling a bubble, you understand that you can spit it out by accident. When you want to get rid of gum, you might need to freeze it. You can’t freeze a carpet exactly, so you’ll want to avoid eating gum inside your house if you can.




People often forget to blot the stain instead of rub it. In the end, if you try to wipe away mustard, it just spreads the liquid and makes your carpet look bad. A mustard stain can be hard to remove, so be careful if you spill this condiment on your carpet.


Tomato-based goods


It’s also important not to eat tomato sauces, salsa, or ketchup on your carpet. These foods can damage your carpet. Unfortunately, these are all prevalent foods that may show up in your kitchen every day.


Tomato-based products, like chocolate, can be set when you try to work them out with hot water, and they can leave a lousy stain like mustard. It’s possible sometimes to get rid of some of these stains by soaking them in dishwashing fluid and white vinegar for nearly half an hour, but you might want to avoid staining at all.


If you don’t want certain foods in your dining room, we understand that it might be tricky


The spills still happen, even if you tell yourself that you’re going to be extra careful. This is true if you have kids, pets that like to jump on the table, or clumsy hands. To get rid of all of the food stains that won’t come out in the end, we use the best steam carpet cleaning Brisbane has to offer. This means that we can get into the surface of your carpet and remove the most difficult spots your food might leave behind.


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